Andrew Maddison


More Subtext Eco Theme Fixing

After my last post I noticed that lists (<ul>) were styled with no indentation and no list-style (no blobs!). The designers of the Eco theme had reset these styles in pretty much line one of their stylesheet, presumably to make their lives easier formatting lists in menus and sidebars etc. Unfortunately they forgot to put it back on the post body.

Easy enough to rectify, I simply popped the following into the custom css field of the subtext options/configure page in admin.

div.body ul
list-style: disc outside none;
div.body ul ul
list-style: circle outside none;

EDIT: 22 Aug 2011
I just noticed that the same problem happens with ordered lists (the numbers were missing), so I’ve ammended the above css as follows:

div.body ul
    list-style: disc outside none;
div.body ol
    list-style: decimal outside none;
div.body ul ul, div.body ol ul
    list-style: circle outside none;
div.body ul ol, div.body ol ol
    list-style: lower-roman outside none;
